
BM3 Trading Ecosystem

The BM3 Trading ecosystem is the dynamic and interconnected representation of all the elements crucial for the success of our customers’ and partners’ import and export operations. Our approach encompasses a vast network of suppliers, collaborators, and touchpoints, creating a connected environment that drives efficiency in every stage of the international trading process.

This operating model does not only apply to commercial transactions; it is about strong and collaborative relationships that drive long-term success. Our vision is to create a harmonious synergy across all elements, enabling our customers’ businesses to smoothly, reliably, and highly effectively reach the world.

Import / Export

imagem de navio indicando as operações de conta e ordem na página soluções


Importation on behalf of a Third Party is a modality carried out by an importer, which carries out in its name the Customs Clearance of goods acquired by another legal entity, referred to as the buyer. For the Trading company to be authorized to carry out the operation, it is necessary to be registered in the Radar system, under the modality of importation on behalf of Third Parties.

Art. 2 of RFB Normative Instruction No. 1861/2018 and Coana Ordinance No. 6/2019..


Ordered Importation is regulated by RFB Normative Instruction No. 1,861/2018 and RFB Normative Instruction No. 1,937/2020, in which the importing legal entity is contracted to carry out, in its name, with its own resources (or those of the ordering party), the customs clearance of foreign goods acquired abroad for resale.

Art. 2 of RFB Normative Instruction No. 1861/2018 and Coana Ordinance No. 6/2019.



Through our import and export trading advisory service, we provide specialized guidance to boost your international business activities. Our team of experts is dedicated to offering insights into customs regulations, market trends, and efficient logistical strategies. Whether you are a business exploring opportunities beyond borders or an experienced company looking to optimize your processes, we are here to provide personalized support, helping you navigate challenges and achieve success in global markets.

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